Auction Id: #295061
Bank Details
Reserve Price: ₹ 26,99,031
Bank Name
: ₹ 2,69,903
Branch Name
: Regional Office
Service Provider
: / C1 India
Contact Details: Authorized Officer Mr. Natarajan (9381740498)


SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: SCHEDULE-A All that piece and parcel of Land and Building in S2, Second Floor Durga Nagar, bearing plot No.24, SRI DURGA NAGAR, TAMBARAM VILLAGE, comprised in survey Nos.9/1, 10/6 part, Tambaram taluk, Kanchipuram District, measuring 3100 Sq.ft., of vacant land. And being. Bounded on the North by: 30 feet road, South by: plot no.6, East by: plot no.25, West by: plot no.23. Measuring:- On the North: 40 feet, On the South: 40 feet, On the East : 77.5 feet, On the West: 77.5 feet. In all 3100 square feet or thereabouts. This property lying within the Registration District of CHENNAI-SOUTH and sub-Registration District of Tambaram.
SCHEDULE-B Undivided share of 415.00 square feet out of 3100 square feet in the whole of the schedule 'A' mentioned property with all common rights, privilege with the other owners of undivided interest of schedule 'A' mentioned property

Province/State: Tamil Nadu
City/Town:   Chennai
Area/Town: Tambaram
Property Details
Borrower Name
: Mr. Namasivayam C
Asset Category
Property Type
: Land And Building
Auction Type
: Sarfaesi Auction
Auction Start Time
: 05-07-2024 11:00 AM
Auction End Date
: 05-07-2024 12:00 PM
Application Submision Date
: 03-07-2024 05:00 PM
Sale Notice 1: 
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