Auction Id: #271786
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: ₹ 40,00,000
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Schedule-A: (Properties Owned by Mrs. V. Latha, Wio. Venkatraman) In Tharpur Dutrict in Pytagonata No. 1 Joht Sub-Registration Din Pattukottal Taluk, af No 78 Maharajasamuth Village at Strimaan VN.S. Nagar within the limit of Pattukkottai Municipality in Survey No. 181 Punja Manaicut Land measuringa total extent of 4 Acre 59 Gents out of which excluding an extent of 1 Acre 50 Cents on the hothers Portion, the remaining extent of land on the Southern Portion measuring an extent of 3 Acre 3 Cents that is 900 Ks that is 1,31,906.8 Square Feet that is 12:2018 Square Meter out of which excluding the punjal manaicut land which has already been sold. The remaining extent of land measuring as lullows, Item No.1 in Survey No. 181 punjai manaicut land admeasuring East-West on the North 30 Feet, East-West in the South 35 Fest, South-North on the East 70 Feet, South-North on the West 70 Feet thus in Total 2,460 Square Feet that is 227.6 Square Meter Item No.2: In Survey No 1181 punja manaicut land admeasuring East-West on the North 70 Fort. East-West on the South 70 Feet, South-North on the East 35 Feet, South-North on the Wiest 35 Fext thus in Total 2,450 Square Font that is 227.6 Square Meter Item No.3: In Survey No. 181 punjai manaicut land admeasuring East-West on the North 70 Feet East-West on the South 70 Feet, South-North on the East 35 Feet South-North on the West 35 Feet thus To 2.450 Square Feet that is 227.5 Square Meter. tem No.4 in Survey No 181 punpi manaicut land admeasuring East-West on the North 70 Feit, East-West on the South 70 Fest South-Narth on the East 35 Feet, South-North on the West 35 Feet thes in Total 2,450 Square Feet that in 2276 Square Mettem No.5 in Burvey No. 181 punai manaic land admeasuring Eaul-West on the North To Fest, East-West on the South 70 Feet. South North on the East 41 Feet, South-North on the West 45.6 Feet thus in Total 3,027.5 Square Feet that is 201.35qwe Meter Item No.5 in Survey No. 181 punjai manalcut land admeasung East-West on the Nath 134 Feet, East-West on the South 91 Feet, South- North on the East 22 Feet, South-North on The West 35 Feet thus in Total 3,256 Square Feet that is 3034 Square MelemNo.2 in Survey No. 181 punjai manaicut land admeasuring East-West on the Norffs 91 Fest East-West on the Sooth 77 Feet, South-North on the East 40 Fest, South North on the West 40 Fast thus Total 3,300 Square Feet that is 312.2 Square Meter Hem No.: in Survey No 181 pur manaicut land admessung East-West on the North 77 Fest, East-West on the South 70 Fest, South-North on the East 40 Feet, South-North on the West 40 Feet thus in Total 2,940 St Feet that is 273 Square Meter Item No.9: In Survey No. 181 punjai manaicutland admeasuring East-West on the North 70 Feat. East-West on the South 16 Feet South-horth on the East 40 Feet, South-North on the West 40 Feel thus in Total 2,760 Square Feet that is 256 4 Square Meter. Tolal Extent of em No. 1 to 925, 153.5 Square Feet that is 2.136.8 Square Meter that 57-23 Carts that is 173 Kuths. Boundaries for tem No. 1 to East of South-North Road West of Pattukata Town Municipal Buntary Line North offers No 10t 18 telongs to Latha South of Remaining extent of land measuring 1 Acre 56 Cents in Survey No. 181 purchased by Elangovan In Tharsavur Dict in Pattration District in Pattukkotal No 1 Joint Sub-Ragstraten District in Pattukottai Tauk, at No. 78-Maharajasamuhiram Village at Sivinaan VN.S. Nagar within the limit of Pattukotta Municipality in Survey No. 182 punge manaicut land measuring a tutul exert of Hectare 1.12.5 Ares that is 2 Acre 70 Cents out of which the extent of land measuring as follows Bem No 10 in Survey No 182 punai manaicut land measuring 33-1/3 Cents that is 100 Kuzhis that is 14,520 Square Feet that is 1,348.9 Square Meter out of which punjal manaitut land admeasuring East-West on the North 605 Feet, East West on the South 60 Feet, South North on the East S1 Feet, South North on the West 44 Fest this in Total 2.861 Square Feet that is 205 Square Meter. Measured under Toon Survey as TS No: 57:2 Ward-A Block No.39 comprises a total extent of 1.354 Square Metur. Item No.11, In Survey No. 182 рита татиur land measuring 33-13 Cants that is 100 Kuzhis that is 14.520 Square Feet that is 1.348.9 Square Meter cut of which punjai manaicut land measuring an extend of 1,500 Square Feet that is 139.3 Square Meter Measured under Town Suney as T5 No 57-2 Ward A, Block No.39 comprises a total extent of 1.364 Square Meter Bem No.12, In Survey No. 182 punjai manascut land, on the Southerm Portion measuring 1 Ace 18-23 Cents that is 359 Kaths that 52. 1268 Square Feet that is 4.342.7 Square Meter out of which punge mana land measuring an extent of 100 Square Fest that is 83.6 Square Meter Measured under Town Survey as T5 No.57-3. Ward-A. Block No. 30 comprises a tal extent of 4,220 Square Meter. hem Nos. 11, 12 admeasuring, East Vilest on the North Feet. East West on the South 0 Feet South North on the East 40 Feet, South-North on the West 40 Feet thus in Total 2,400 Square Feel that is 222.9 Square Mutor. Bem No. 13: In Survey ho 182 punjai manaicut land on the Southern Portion measuring 1 Ace 19-20 Certs that is 359 Kughes that is 52,1268 Square Feet that is 4.5427 Square Meter out of which punja manaicut land admeasuring East-West on the North 00 Fest, East-West on the South 10 Feet South-North on the East 40 Feet, South- North on the West 40 Feet thus in Total 2,400 Square Feet that is 222.9 Square Meter Measured under Town Toan Surveys T5 No 57-3 Ward-A Block No 39 comprises a total extent of 4,220 Square Meter Boundaries for No: 10:12. East of South-North Road, West of North of Lands belongs to Latha, South of Elangovan putem No.14; In Survey No. 182 punjar manaicut land measuring 33-1/3 Cents that is 100 Kuzhis that is 14,520 Square Feet that is 1.345.9 Square Meter out of which punjai manaut land measuring an extent of 62 Square Feet that is 5.8 Square Meter. Measured under Town Survey as TS No.57-2 Ward - Block No-39 comprses a total extent of 1.354 Square Meter Rem No.15 in Survey No 181 punjai mansicut land measuring a total extent of & Acre 59 Dents out of which excluding an extent of Acre S6 Cents on the Northem Pardon, the remaining extent of land on the Southent Portion measuring an extent of 3 Acne 3 Cants that is 909 Kuthis that is 1,31,906 8 Square Feet that is 12.261.9Square Meter out of which punjai manaicut land measuring an extent of 2.338 Square Feet that is 217.2 Square Meter am No. 14. 15 admeasuring East-West on the North 00 Feet, East-Winst on the South 60 Feet South-North on the East 40 Feet, South-North on the West 40 Feet husin Total 2,400 Square Feet that is 222.9 Square Meter tem No.16; in Survey No. 182 punja manuicut land measuring 33-10 Cents that is 100 Kuzhis that is 14,520 Square Feet that 1348.9 Square Meter out of which punyai manaicut land measuring an extent of 196 Square Fest that is 18 Square Meter Measured under Town Survey as TS No.57-2 Ward A. Block No.39 comprises a total extent of 1,354 Square Meltem No.17: Survey No 181 punyai manaicut land measuring a total dent of 4 Acne 59 Cents out of which exuding an extent of 1 Acre 56 Cente on the Northen Portion, the remaining extent of land on the Southem Portion measuring an alent of 3 Acre 3 Cents that is 300 Kuhis that 1.319088Square Feet that is 12,261.5 Spare Mater out ofwhich punyai mana and measuring an endant of 1,605 Square Fetihutis 149 Squar Meter Ben No 16.17 admeasuring East-West on the North 60 Feet East-West on the South 60 Feet, South-North on the East 30 Fest. South North on the West 30 Feet thus Total 1,800 Square Feet that is 167 Square Meter. Item No.18: In Survey No 182 punga manaicutland, on the Southem Portion measuring 1 Ace 18-23 Cents that is 359 Kuhis that is 52,1268 Square Fest that is 4.842.7 Square Meter out of which punjai manaicut land admeasuring East-West on the forth Fest East-Vliest on the South 00 Feet South-North on the East 25 Feat South- North on the West 21 Feet thus Total 1,470 Square Fest that is 136.6 Square Meter Measured under Toan Survey as 75 No 57-3, Waro-A, Block No. 30 comprises a total extent of 4.220 Square Meter Total Extent of them Nos 30 to 18:53.331 Square Feet that 1,258.5 Square Meter that 30-2/3 Cents that a 91 Kume. Boundaries formos 1418 Eastat North of Property belongs to Latha, West of South-North Road, South of Elangovan purga A-Schedule Property them Nos. 10.10 14.19.14. Measured under Town Survey as T5 No 57-6 OTS No57-3)Eder300 Square Meter Tutis 3.648 Square Feet TS No.57-7(OTS No.57-2) Extent 533 Square Meter that is 5,737.2 Square Feet, thus in total 872 Square Meter that 13862 Square Feet A-Schedule Property Item Nos 1815. 17, Messunsed under Town Survey TSN62-410MTS No.62-1) Extant 206 Square Meter That 3.909 8 Square Feet, TS NO 62-7(OTS №62-13 Extent 2,102 Square Meter that is 22.628 Square Feet, TS No 12-910 TS No. 62-1 Extent 1145 Squam Meter, that 12.324.8 Square Fest, Thus in total an extent of 2.613 Square Meter, that is 38.800-4 Square Feet out of which excluding an extent of 910 Square Mart9.754.9 Square Feet the remaining extent of land measuring an extent of 2.700 Square

Schedule-B (Property Owned by Ms. V. Meera, Dio, Venkatraman) In Thanjavur District, Pattukkotta Registration District, in Pattukkottail No.1 Jant Sub Registration District, Pattukottal Taluka No. 78. Maharajsamuthiram Village, at Shrimaan VNS Nagar within the limitu Pattukotis Municipality in Survey No. 181 punjai manaicut land measuring a total extent of 4 Acre 59 Cents out of which excluding an extent of 1 Acre 56 Cents on the Northem Port, the remaining extent of land on the Southern Portion measuring an extent of 3 Acre 3 Cents that is 909 Kuthis that is 1.31,986.8 Square Feet that is 12.261.9 Square Meter out of which excluding the punjai manaicut land which has already been sold, the remaining extent of land measuring infomain Survey No. 161 punjai manaicut land odnesu East-West on the North Feet East-West on the South 70 Feet South-North on the East 45.6 Fast South-North on the West 50 Feet thus in Total 3.342.5 Square Fest that is 310.5 Square Meter No.2: In Survey No. 181 punjai manaut land admeasuring East-West on the North 70 Fest. East-West on the South 70 Feet, South-North on the East 35 Feet, South-North on The West 35 Feat Thus in Total 2,450 Square Feet that is 2276 Square Meter Non Survey No. 181 punjai manaicut land admeasuring East-West on the North 35 Fest, East-West on the South 35 Feet South-North on the East 70 Feet South-North on the West 70 Feet thun in Total 2,450 Square Feet that is 227.0 Square Meter Total Extent of tem No. 1 to 3: 8,242.5 Square Feet that is 765.7 Square Meter that is 19 Cents that is 57 Kuthis. Measured under Town Survey as TS62-6(OTS No.2-1) measuring an extent of 533 Square Meter that's 5.791 Square Fest and TS No:62-(Old TS No. 62-1) measuring an extent of 228 Square Meter that is 2,454 Square Fest, thus in total 706-Square Meter that is 1.245 Square Feet, In Wand A. Block No 39 Boundaries for hem No.1.2. East of South-North 23 Feet Bisadith Road, West ot, North of Property belongs to Latha, South of Elangovan punjai land. Boundanes formNo.3: East South of West of Property belongs to Latha North of West Road

Province/State: Tamil Nadu
City/Town:   Thanjavur
Area/Town: Maharajasamuthiram
Property Details
Borrower Name
: Mrs. V. Latha
Asset Category
Property Type
: Land
Auction Type
: Sarfaesi Auction
Auction Start Time
: 27-05-2024 11:00 AM
Auction End Date
: 27-05-2024 01:00 PM
Application Submision Date
: 26-05-2024 05:00 PM
Sale Notice 1: 
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