What is EMD in Bank Auctions and How Does it Work?

Feb 25 2023
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In bank auctions, EMD stands for "Earnest Money Deposit." It's a crucial component of the auction process, and understanding what it means can be helpful for anyone looking to participate in a bank auction.

What is EMD?

An Earnest Money Deposit is a sum of money paid by a buyer to demonstrate their commitment to purchasing a property. It is often a percentage of the overall purchase price and is held in escrow until the deal is finalized.. The deposit is typically a percentage of the Reserve Price, which is the minimum price the seller is willing to accept for the property. The EMD serves as a guarantee that the buyer will follow through with the purchase if they win the auction. The amount of the EMD varies based on the property's value, with higher-value properties requiring a higher EMD.

Also Read What is Reserve Price in Auction: Click Here

How Does EMD Work in Bank Auctions?

When participating in a bank auction, potential buyers must deposit their EMD before the auction begins. The EMD is typically a percentage of the reserve price, usually around 10% of the auction price. For example, if the reserve price is Rs.10 lakh, the EMD required would be Rs. 1 lakh.

The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) is a significant part of the auction process, and it typically amounts to a percentage of the Reserve Price. The Reserve Price represents the minimum or base price of the property established by the bank or the seller. Commonly, the EMD is set at around 5-10% of this Reserve Price.

Here's why the EMD is helpful:

  1. Serious Intent: The EMD serves as a financial commitment from potential bidders, demonstrating their serious intent to participate in the auction. It acts as a deterrent for casual or uncommitted bidders.

  2. Bidder Credibility: By depositing the EMD, bidders show they have the financial capability to bid on the property and, if successful, to complete the purchase.

  3. Auction Integrity: It helps maintain the integrity of the auction process by reducing the likelihood of frivolous or false bids, thereby ensuring a fair and genuine competition.

  4. Applied Toward Purchase: If a bidder wins the auction, the EMD is typically applied as part of the payment towards the purchase price of the property.

  5. Forfeiture for Non-Compliance: If the winning bidder fails to fulfill their obligations, such as completing the purchase, the EMD may be forfeited to the seller or auctioneer. This provides an incentive for bidders to follow through with their commitments.

  6. Risk Mitigation: From the seller's perspective, the EMD helps mitigate the risk of non-payment by the winning bidder.

While 5-10% is a common range for the EMD as a percentage of the Reserve Price, the specific percentage can vary based on the seller's or auctioneer's discretion and local market conditions. Potential bidders should carefully review the auction's terms and conditions to understand the exact EMD requirement and ensure they are prepared to meet it before participating in the auction.

The EMD is deposited through a demand draft or a cheque drawn in favour of the auctioning bank. In some cases, the bank may allow for the EMD to be paid through an online transfer.

If the buyer wins the auction and decides to purchase the property, the EMD is credited towards the total amount due. If the buyer fails to follow through with the purchase, the EMD is forfeited, and the property is put back up for auction.


Why is EMD Important in Bank Auctions?

The EMD is essential in bank auctions as it serves as a guarantee that the buyer is serious about purchasing the property. It ensures that only serious buyers participate in the auction and prevents frivolous bids from people who have no intention of purchasing the property.

Additionally, the EMD helps to cover the seller's costs in case the buyer defaults on the purchase. If the buyer fails to follow through with the purchase, the EMD is forfeited and can be used to cover the costs associated with putting the property back up for auction.


Is EMD refundable for successful bidder?

Refund Timeline: The statement specifies that the EMD should preferably be refunded within 30 days of the submission and acceptance of the Security Deposit. This timeline is often outlined in the contract terms and is subject to compliance with any conditions specified in the agreement.

situations in which the buyer may be entitled to a refund of the EMD. Common scenarios for EMD refunds might include:

  1. Contingency clauses: If the purchase agreement includes contingencies (e.g., financing, home inspection) and the buyer exercises their right to cancel the deal within the specified contingency period.

  2. Seller default: If the seller fails to meet certain obligations outlined in the purchase agreement, the buyer may be entitled to a refund.

  3. Unmet conditions: If specific conditions specified in the purchase agreement are not met, the buyer may have the right to cancel the deal and receive a refund.

Who are exempted from EMD?

SSI/ MSME/ NSIC, for the specific goods/ service  bidders, are exempt from EMD

  1. Government bodies or departments: In some cases, government entities or departments may be exempted from paying the EMD requirement in bank auctions.

  2. Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs): Similar to government entities, PSUs may also be exempted from EMD requirements in some bank auctions.

  3. Financial institutions: Certain financial institutions may be exempted from paying the EMD requirement in bank auctions, particularly if they have an existing business relationship with the auctioning authority.

  4. Registered bidders: Some auctioning authorities may exempt bidders who have previously registered with them and have a good track record of participating in their auctions.

It's important to note that the rules regarding EMD exemptions may vary depending on the specific auction and the auctioning authority's policies. It's always best to consult the auction notice or contact the auctioning authority directly to determine if any exemptions apply to a particular auction.


In summary, EMD is a critical component of bank auctions, and potential buyers must deposit it before the auction begins. The EMD serves as a guarantee that the buyer is serious about purchasing the property and helps to cover the seller's costs in case of a default. By understanding what EMD is and how it works, buyers can participate in bank auctions with confidence.

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