SARFAESI Act Section 5(A): Transfer of Pending Applications

Dec 05 2023
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The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Belongings and Enforcement of Security Interest Act popularly known as the SARFAESI Act, 2002 is a vital piece of law governing the recuperation of money owed secured with the aid of immovable houses. Segment 5A of this Act in particular deals with the transfer of pending applications to someone of the debt restoration Tribunals (DRTs) in positive cases.

Understanding the Context

Section 5A addresses a scenario where an asset reconstruction company (ARC) acquires financial assets comprising secured debts of multiple banks or financial institutions. These institutions may have already filed applications before different DRTs for the recovery of these debts. This fragmentation of cases across multiple DRTs can lead to inefficiencies and inconsistencies in the recovery process.

The Role of Section 5A

To streamline the recovery process in such situations, Section 5A empowers the ARC to apply the Appellate Tribunal having jurisdiction over any of the DRTs involved. This application seeks the transfer of all pending applications to a single DRT as deemed fit by the ARC.

The Appellate Tribunal's Authority

Upon receiving the ARC's application, the Appellate Tribunal carefully considers the matter. After granting the parties an opportunity to be heard, the Appellate Tribunal issues an order transferring the pending applications to a designated DRT.

Benefits of Transferring Pending Applications

Consolidating pending applications under a single DRT offers several advantages:

  1. Efficiency: It streamlines the healing manner, keeping off duplication of efforts and making sure of consistent handling of cases.
  2. Consistency: It promotes uniformity in the application of felony concepts and approaches, minimizing discrepancies in debt recuperation effects.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: It reduces administrative costs associated with managing multiple cases across different DRTs.
  4. Clarity: It offers a clean and centralized discussion board for resolving disputes associated with the recovery of secured debts.


Section 5A of the SARFAESI Act performs a significant function in streamlining the recovery of secured debts when multiple DRTs are concerned. via facilitating the consolidation of pending applications below a single DRT, the Act promotes performance, consistency, and cost-effectiveness in the debt recovery technique

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