Sarfaesi Act Section 26A. Rectification by the Central Government in Matters of Registration, Modification

Jan 10 2024
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Correcting errors in Securitization and Reconstruction data: The valuable authorities' s position

Section 26A of the SARFAESI Act, 2002 empowers the important authorities to fix errors in the registration, change, or satisfaction of securitization, asset reconstruction, and security hobby transactions. This safeguard ensures accurate and reliable information within the system.

What kind of mistakes can be rectified?

The Act outlines two scenarios:

Accidental or inadvertent mistakes: This covers omissions, misstatements, or neglected time limits due to accidental oversights or other valid reasons.

different compelling instances: Even past unintended mistakes, the central government can grant remedy if it deems it "just and equitable" primarily based on the particular scenario.

Who Can Request These Corrections?

Anyone with a vested interest in the transaction can approach the Central Government, including:

  • Secured creditors: lenders whose loans are subsidized using collateral underneath the transaction.
  • Asset reconstruction corporations: Entities coping with distressed belongings through the SARFAESI framework.
  • Any other interested person: This could include individuals involved in the transaction or those affected by its details.

How does the correction process work?

Interested parties must apply to the Central Government, outlining the error and requesting rectification. If the government is satisfied based on the criteria mentioned above, it can:

  • Extend the deadline for filing transaction details: This allows for late registration or modification of information.
  • Direct the correction of omissions or misstatements: The existing records are amended to reflect the accurate details.
  • Important caveat: Even with extended deadlines, the corrected registration does not affect any rights acquired regarding the property or financial asset before the actual registration. This protects those who acted in good faith before the error was rectified.

In essence, section 26A offers a protection net for accidental errors and exceptional occasions, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of facts within the SARFAESI framework. This promotes responsibility, transparency, and equity in the system

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