Sarfaesi Act Section 23 Filing of transactions of securitization, reconstruction, and creation of security interest

Jan 09 2024
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In the labyrinth of financial regulations, one must not underestimate the power of disclosure. Section 23 of the Sarfaesi Act shines a light on the crucial act of filing. Imagine a world where every financial move is documented, a world where transparency is not just a buzzword but a fundamental practice. Today, we unravel the significance of filing transactions of securitization, asset reconstruction, and security interest. Join us as we explore the heart of financial accountability.

Enter the mandate: Every Securitization Company, asset Reconstruction Company, or secured creditor must file the particulars of their transactions with the Central Registrar. The how and when are neatly specified—within thirty days from the date of the transaction or creation of security. This filing, a gateway to financial openness, is not a mere formality; it is a commitment to transparency in the financial ecosystem.

But what if deadlines are missed? Fear not, for the Proviso grants a lifeline.

The Central Registrar, understanding the complexities of financial operations, may allow filing within thirty days following the initial period, albeit with an additional fee. This safety net ensures that even if the first chance is missed, a second opportunity exists to fulfill the duty of disclosure.


As we conclude our journey through the corridors of financial accountability, Section 23 of the Sarfaesi Act leaves us with a profound lesson. Filing transactions is not just a regulatory obligation; it is a transparency pledge, an assurance that the financial gears turn with precision. In a world where information is power, the act of filing becomes a beacon of trust. Let every entry in the Central Registrar's domain symbolize a commitment to openness, ensuring our financial foundation.

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