Sarfaesi Act: Section 22 Register of securitization, reconstruction, and security interest transactions.

Jan 09 2024
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Step into the realm of financial regulations, where every transaction is documented and scrutinized for the greater good. Today, our spotlight is on Section 22 of the Sarfaesi Act, unveiling the significance of the Central Register — a silent guardian that meticulously records the heartbeat of financial activities. Let's unravel the mysteries held within this section.

(1) Imagine a repository, a treasure trove of information named the Central Register. Nestled in the heart of the Central Registry's head office,

It serves as the custodian of details about three critical aspects:

(a) securitization of financial assets,

(b) reconstruction of monetary resources

(c) making of safety interest.

This register becomes the compass guiding the financial ship through the unpredictable seas.

(2) Breaking barriers, the Central Registrar is granted the authority to maintain these records not just in traditional ledgers but also in the digital realm. Whether stored on a computer, floppies, diskettes, or any electronic form, the records are safeguarded by prescribed measures. This technological leap ensures efficiency in record-keeping, aligning with the pace of the ever-evolving financial landscape.

(3) The transition to electronic record-keeping brings with it a shift in interpretation. Any mention of an entry in the Central Register now encompasses not only physical ledgers but also their digital counterparts. The essence of transparency and accessibility is preserved, mirroring the commitment to a modern, streamlined financial ecosystem.

(4) Who guards this repository of financial insights? None other than the vigilant Central Registrar. Under their control and management, the register becomes a fortress of financial data, ensuring its integrity and reliability for the benefit of the financial system it serves.


In the symphony of financial regulations, Section 22 of the Sarfaesi Act orchestrates a melody of order and accountability. The Central Register, with its dual existence in both physical and electronic realms, symbolizes the adaptability of our financial guardians. As we bid adieu to this exploration, remember the silent hero, the Central Register, standing as a testament to the meticulous oversight that keeps our financial world turning

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