Sarfaesi Act Section 11: Resolution of Disputes

Dec 05 2023
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Imagine this: you've loaned a boatload of money, secured by a spiffy yacht. But the borrower, let's call him Captain Calamity, sets sail and forgets about his debt. Enter the SARFAESI Act, your knight in shining armor. But wait, Captain Calamity throws a wrench in the works - he disputes the whole thing! What do you do?

This, my friends, is where Section 11 of the SARFAESI Act comes in. It's the captain (pun intended) of dispute resolution, a beacon of hope in a sea of financial turmoil.

What Exactly Does Section 11 Do?

In simple terms, it lays out a clear path for resolving disputes arising from secured loans. It's a message that says, "Hey, instead of battling it out in court for years, let's settle this like civilized adults - through arbitration or conciliation."

Think of it as a civilized sword fight instead of a messy brawl. It's faster, cheaper, and often more amicable. But here's the twist: this duel isn't open to everyone. Only disputes between specific players are invited to the table - banks, financial institutions, asset reconstruction companies, and that oh-so-charming Captain Calamity himself (but only if he's a lender in the same boat, not the borrower).

Now, there's been some debate about who gets to wield this dispute-resolution sword. Can borrowers use it against lenders? The Supreme Court, wise as always, has ruled - "No dice, mateys!" Borrowers need to deal with the regular legal device.

But wait, there's more! Section 11 isn't a jealous captain. It allows other laws to play along too. So, if there's a specific law that better suits the dispute, it takes center stage. Section 11 just steps aside and offers a silent cheer.

So, What Does This Mean For You?

If you're a lender or involved in secured loans, Section 11 is your friend. It offers a speedy, green way to settle disagreements without getting bogged down in legalese. Take into account, it's not a magic wand, but a well-oiled delivery that can steer you closer to a decision.

And for Captain Calamity? Well, he might have to walk the plank of the traditional court system. But hey, maybe he'll learn a valuable lesson about smooth sailing and responsible borrowing

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