SARFAESI Act, 2002: Understanding Applicability, Objectives, Process, and Documentation

Jan 18 2024
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Introduction of SARFAESI Act, 2002

The monetary region performs a pivotal function within the dynamic panorama of India's monetary boom. However, the prison framework governing industrial transactions struggled to maintain tempo with evolving practices and economic region reforms, impeding the recovery of defaulting loans and most importantly a growth in non-performing assets (NPAs) of banks and monetary institutions. Committees which include Narasimham I and II, along with the Andhyarujina Committee, had been established with the aid of the valuable authorities to evaluate banking quarter reforms and advocate necessary adjustments to the prison system.

authorizes banks and other financial organizations to auction commercial or residential properties for repaying loans when borrowers fail to repay them.

What is the SARFAESI Act, of 2002?

The SARFAESI Act, short for "Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act," authorizes banks and other financial organizations to auction commercial or residential properties for repaying loans when borrowers fail to repay them.

By doing so, the SARFAESI Act aids in reducing Non-appearing property (NPAs) through powerful restoration strategies and reconstruction.

Applicability of SARFAESI Act, 2002

The SARFAESI Act is relevant in cases of secured loans, permitting banks to put underlying securities like hypothecation, mortgage, and pledge in force. Court intervention is unnecessary unless the security is invalid or fraudulent. Unsecured assets, however, require the bank to file a civil case against defaulters in court. The Act does not apply to security interests in agricultural lands, loans less than one lakh rupees, and cases where 80% of the loan has been repaid by the borrower.

Objectives of SARFAESI Act, 2002

The SARFAESI Act has primary targets:

Allows banks and different economic institutions to publicly sell off business or residential homes to get better debt while a borrower fails to pay off the loan amount.

  • Efficient and fast restoration of non-appearing belongings (NPAs) of banks and monetary institutions.
  • Empowering banks and financial institutions to auction residences, each commercial and home, in cases of borrower default.

How SARFAESI Act, of 2002 work?

The SARFAESI Act offers banks and monetary institutions the authority to capture the belongings of defaulting borrowers without courtroom involvement, except for agricultural land. If a borrower defaults on loan reimbursement, the monetary group can classify the account as a Non-performing Asset (NPA) and difficulty notices to the defaulting borrower. The borrower has 60 days to discharge their liabilities. If the borrower fails to conform, the bank has the subsequent alternatives

  • Take possession of the loan security.
  • The right to the security can be leased, sold, or assigned.
  • Manage the security or appoint someone else to manage it.
  • The Act also facilitates the establishment of Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs), regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), to acquire assets from banks and other financial institutions.

Formation of SARFAESI Act, 2002

The SARFAESI Act was formulated to alter the securitization and reconstruction of economic property, put into effect protection interests, and address related topics. It applies throughout India and has gone through amendments through the Enforcement of Safety Interest and Restoration of Debts Legal Guidelines (modification) Act, 2016.

Amendments to the SARFAESI Act, 2002

The 2016 amendment to the SARFAESI Act introduced numerous changes, together with:

  • Empowering banks and Asset Reconstruction agencies (ARCs) to switch a part of the debt of defaulting groups into fairness.
  • Granting banks the ability to request immovable properties set for public sale if no bids are obtained, letting them alter the debt with the quantity paid for the belongings.
  • Provide the choice for banks to sell the property to a new customer, who can remit the debts through the years.

Rights of Borrower under SARFAESI Act, 2002

Borrowers under the SARFAESI Act have specific rights:

  • They can remit dues to avoid losing their securities before the sale concludes.
  • They are entitled to compensation for defaults by authorized officers.
  • Section 17 of the SARFAESI Act allows borrowers to approach the Debt Recovery Tribunal to address grievances against creditors or authorized officers.

Methods of Recovery under SARFAESI Act, 2002

The SARFAESI Act outlines three methods for recovering Non-Performing Assets (NPAs):

  • Securitization: The process of issuing marketable securities backed by using a pool of current assets, which can be bought after conversion right into a marketable security.
  • Asset Reconstruction: Empowers Asset Reconstruction groups to control the borrower's commercial enterprise, sell or accumulate it, or reschedule debt bills as consistent with the Act.
  • Enforcement of protection without court Interruption: allows banks and financial establishments to issue notices for payment to people who received secured belongings from the borrower.

Assets Not Covered Under SARFAESI Act, 2002

Certain assets are not covered by the SARFAESI Act, including:

  •   positive properties aren't blanketed by using the SARFAESI Act, inclusive of:
  • cash or protection is given following the Sale of Goods Act of 1930 or the Indian Contract Act of 1872.
  • rentals, hire-buy, conditional sale, or other contracts without created protection interest.
  • Unpaid sellers' rights under segment 47 of the Sale of Products Act of 1930.
  • residences aren't liable for sale or attachment below phase 60 of the Code of Civil Technique, 1908.



The SARFAESI Act, of 2002, stands as a crucial piece of legislation facilitating the efficient recovery of non-performing assets and empowering banks and financial institutions to take necessary actions without prolonged court procedures. 
Through a systematic approach, the Act aims to strike a balance between the rights of creditors and borrowers while contributing to the overall health and stability of the financial sector in India.

The act can be accessed below:

Section                                  Content Details
1 Short title, extent and commencement Click here

SARFAESI Act delineates key terms like "banking company," "borrower," "default," "financial asset," "secured creditor," and "security interest," forming the core of the Act and aiding comprehension of its provisions. 

Click here
3 Registration of asset reconstruction companies, taking possession of and selling the secured assets.  Click here
4 Cancellation of certificate of registration.  Click here
5 Acquisition of rights or interest in financial assets.  Click here
5A Transfer of pending applications to any one of the Debts Recovery Tribunals in certain cases.  Click here
6 Notice to obligor and discharge of obligation of such obligor.  Click here
7 Issue of security by raising receipts or funds by an asset reconstruction company.  Click here
8 Exemption from registration of security receipt.  Click here
9 Measures for asset reconstruction.  Click here
10 Other functions of the asset reconstruction company.  Click here
11 Resolution of disputes.  Click here
12 Power of Reserve Bank to determine policy and issue directions.  Click here
12A Power of Reserve Bank to call for statements and information.  Click here
12B Power of Reserve Bank to carry out audit and inspection.  Click here
13 Enforcement of security interest.  Click here
14 Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or District Magistrate to assist the secured creditor in taking possession of the secured asset.  Click here
15 Manner and effect of take over of management.  Click here
16 No compensation to directors for loss of office.  Click here
17 Application against measures to recover secured debts.  Click here
17A Making of application to Court of District Judges in certain cases.  Click here
18 Appeal to Appellate Tribunal.  Click here
18A Validation of fees levied.  Click here
18B Appeal to the High Court in certain cases.  Click here
18C Right to lodge a caveat.  Click here
19 Right of the borrower to receive compensation and costs in certain cases.  Click here
20 Central Registry.  Click here
20A Integration of registration systems with Central Registry.  Click here
20B Delegation of powers.  Click here
21 Central Registrar.  Click here
22 Register of securitization, reconstruction, and security interest transactions.  Click here
23 Filing of transactions of securitization, reconstruction, and creation of security interest.  Click here
24 Modification of security interest registered under this Act.  Click here
25 Asset reconstruction company or secured creditors to report satisfaction of security interest.  Click here
26 Right to inspect particulars of securitization, reconstruction, and security interest transactions.  Click here
26A Rectification by Central Government in Matters of registration, modification satisfaction, etc.  Click here
26B Registration by secured creditors and other creditors.  Click here
26C Effect of the registration of transactions, etc.  Click here
26D Right of enforcement of securities.  Click here
26E Priority to secured creditors.  Click here
27 Penalties. Click here
28 [Omitted.] Click here
29 Offences.  Click here
30 Cognizance of offence.  Click 
30A Power of the adjudicating authority to impose a penalty.  Click here
30B Appeal against penalties.  Click here
30C Appellate Authority.  Click here
30D Recovery of penalties.  Click here
31 Provisions of this Act not to apply in certain cases.  Click here
31A Power to exempt a class or classes of banks or financial institutions.  Click here
32 Protection of action taken in good faith.  Click here
33 Offences by companies.  Click here
34 Civil court not to have jurisdiction.  Click here
35 The provisions of this Act to override other laws.  Click here
36 Limitation.  Click here
37 Application of other laws not barred.  Click here
38 Power of Central Government to make rules.  Click here
39 Certain provisions of this Act apply after the Central Registry is set up or caused to be set up.  Click here
40 Power to remove difficulties.  Click here
41 Amendments to certain enactments.  Click here
42 Repeal and save.  Click here
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The defaulter is unable to initiate criminal proceedings to halt SARFAESI proceedings on issues that can only be determined through DRT: Allahabad HC

After the civil court dismissed the recovery plea, the bank is unable to proceed against the borrower in accordance with SARFAESI: HC