Dec 08 2023
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The Supreme Court (SC) has issued a historic verdict in the case of CELIR LLP VERSUS BAFNA MOTORS (MUMBAI) PVT. LTD. & ORS.  This ruling pertains to the amended Section 13(8) of the SARFAESI Act, emphasizing that the borrower's right to redeem a mortgaged property is extinguished upon the publication of the auction notice. The SC further clarified that once a bank confirms the sale of the property, the successful auction purchaser acquires a vested interest, and the bank cannot withhold the sale certificate or engage in private arrangements with the borrower. This development carries significant implications for secured creditors, borrowers, and auction purchasers.


The case involved borrowers who defaulted on a loan secured by a mortgage on a parcel of land. The bank initiated the auction process, and the appellant emerged as the highest bidder, depositing the required amount. Simultaneously, the borrowers filed a redemption application with the Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT-1) and the Bombay High Court, seeking permission to repurchase the land. The High Court granted redemption, and the bank issued a "No Dues Certificate." Dissatisfied, the appellant appealed against this decision, raising concerns about the applicability of the amended Section 13(8) and the bank's issuance of the sale certificate.


Upon thorough examination, the SC ruled that under the amended Section 13(8) of the SARFAESI Act, the borrower's right to redeem the property ceases upon the publication of the auction notice. The court clarified that the successful auction purchaser acquires a vested right upon the confirmation of the sale, and the bank is obligated to issue a sale certificate as per the SARFAESI Rules. Importantly, the court emphasized that the bank cannot withhold the sale certificate and engage in private arrangements with the borrower after the sale is confirmed.


1. A Tale of Differing Judicial Opinions on Amended Section 13(8)

The pre-amendment Section 13(8) mirrored the right of redemption under Section 60 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. However, the 2016 Amendment altered this by restricting the borrower's right to redeem until the publication of the auction notice. Judicial opinions on this amendment varied, with some courts holding that the right of redemption extends until the execution of conveyance or issuance of a sale certificate. The SC's ruling, aligning with the primacy of the amended Section 13(8), seeks to bring clarity to these conflicting opinions.

2. Amended Section 13(8): A Departure from the Past

The SC justified its decision by highlighting the special nature of the SARFAESI Act, designed to expedite debt recovery without court intervention. It argued that the amended Section 13(8) prevails over the general provisions of the Act of 1882, ensuring the intended expeditious disposal of recovery applications. This departure from the pre-amendment stance reflects the evolution of legal principles to suit the contemporary needs of efficient debt recovery.

3. Guarding the Sanctity of the Auction Process

The SC's ruling safeguards the sanctity of the auction process under the SARFAESI Act, preventing borrowers from exploiting the right of redemption to discourage genuine auction participants. The court's emphasis on discouraging malpractices by banks aligns with the Act's objective of providing a swift and efficient mechanism for debt recovery.


This significant judgment holds implications for various stakeholders:
1. Protection of Legitimate Auction Purchaser

The ruling shields legitimate auction purchasers by preventing borrowers from exercising their right to redemption after the auction process has commenced. This ensures fairness and certainty in the auction procedure, discouraging unfair practices that could affect genuine participants.

2. Addressing Malpractice by Banks

The decision addresses the malpractice of banks allowing borrowers to redeem at any time, contrary to the SARFAESI Act's objective of providing a speedy and efficient recovery mechanism. The SC's stance reinforces the need for banks to adhere to legal obligations and act by the law.

3. Clarity on Amended Section 13(8)

The judgment brings clarity to the intent behind the amended Section 13(8), emphasizing that the right to redemption is extinguished upon the publication of the auction notice. This clarity prevents borrowers from using redemption rights to unduly delay the auction process.


The Supreme Court's ruling in the CELIR LLP case establishes a clear legal precedent regarding the amended Section 13(8) of the SARFAESI Act. It underscores the importance of expeditious debt recovery, protects the interests of legitimate auction purchasers, and discourages malpractices by banks. This decision serves as a crucial guidepost for borrowers, secured creditors, and auction purchasers, emphasizing the need for adherence to the SARFAESI Act's provisions and guarding the integrity of the auction process.

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